This Week in BMS Robotics: 10/13/24

Greetings Beach Middle School Robotics families, this is your “Week in Robotics Update.”

TWIR emails can also be read at  The posts will be found under the FTC 6-8 menu

Message From the Coaches:

Buckle up, this one is a doozy. We have been working SO hard, and the first meet is THIS WEEK.  There is lots of information:

  • This week's schedule, including optional days, parent meeting, and 1st Meet!

  • Competition Schedule

  • Paperwork:  FIRST consent & release (PARENT ACTION REQUIRED)

  • Volunteer help (PARENT ACTION REQUIRED)

This Week’s Schedule

With the meet this Saturday, we are trying to get the robots competition ready.  Programmers need quality time with the bots, so we are going to have building-focused and programming-focused evenings.  Any student engineer can attend any evening, but they may need to do other tasks.

Wednesday, we will have a Q&A session, including help with the FIRST consent & release process.  If you can’t make it, but need assistance, drop in to any session.

Schedule: All events at Chelsea Robotics Center unless noted otherwise

  • 10/14 - Monday

    • 6-8, Team Meeting (optional - Builders) 

    • Crash, Optional hour 5-6 due to no school

  • 10/15 - Tuesday

    • 6-8, Team Meeting (optional - Programmers)

  • 10/16 - Wednesday

    • 6-8, Team Meeting (Programmers)

    • 7:30 Parent meeting - As we head into competition

  • 10/17 - Thursday

    • 6-8, Team Meeting (optional - All students)

  • 10/19 - Saturday

    • 10-12 pm, Team Meeting (All Students)

    • Noon - Student & Family potluck, come see the robot progress

    • 1-5 pm, MSCRL League Meet (All Students)

Team Google Calendar Link - All robotics activities will be on our Google Calendar with updates posted as they come up.  

Competition Schedule

The competition schedule is (almost) finalized.  We have applied for a Qualifier (all day competition) and will hear back later in the week.  It will be either 11/09 or 11/16, if we are granted a slot.  We know that this is a lot.  (But it is SO MUCH FUN) Please participate at a level that works for your family.  Meets are 2.5-3 hours.  Qualifiers and Tournaments are all day events, but they come with State’s Invitations(fingers crossed!).

Parent Paperwork

Each parent needs to create an account on FIRSTInspires to e-sign consents and releases for each student.  They use a funny term “apply to a team” but it is just verbage.  Everyone is accepted.  Here are the express links for each team:

11617 Glitch:

11618 Gremlins:

11729 Crash:

26293 Surge <<Will be available soon>>

Volunteers for Meets and Qualifiers

PDF LINK: Directions on how to sign up as a volunteer for a League Event

We need referees, field reset, robot inspectors, queuers.  Training is available.

Meet Link:

  • Coach Marka


We were proud of all the progress we made last week.  The robot is finally coming together, with lexan parts for the 4-bar intake and the linear slide being installed.  The programmers were also busy getting all the new motors and servos working.  We’ll be continuing to push hard this week to get as much done before our first league meet next Saturday.  Don’t worry if everything is not completely done, however.  We will compete with what we have and continue building and improving through the rest of the season.  

  • Sarai and Kirk 


We are nearly ready to assemble all the parts of the robot and get it ready for programming.  Monday will be an intensive build day so we can meet our goals.   Later in the week please come prepared to learn how to drive and operate the robot before our first MSCRL Meet.   The Glitch coaches are very proud of all our Glitchies.  

  • Coach Steve


We are in the final stretches before our first meet this Saturday. This week we need to make our finishing touches on the build side on Monday so that our programmers have the robot to do a deep dive on tele-op and autonomous. Plan to have some drive practice throughout the week as well as  some CAD for our second stage climber. It's exciting that our First meet as a team is this Saturday but let's be calm, collected and focused going into the week so we are prepared for it. Everyone is doing a good job and I’m proud of all our young engineers.

  • Coach Anson


Wow! Everything's coming together so quickly, just last week we had a bare chassis and now the 4 bar and linear slides are mounted. I am proud of everyone's dedication and I cannot wait to get the rest of the mechanisms built up. This week we will be prepping for our first meet. With all the hard work that is being put in I can’t wait to see it all come together.

  • Coach Kepler

Parent Coordinator

If you are interested in helping our Parent Coordinator provide food for our Young Engineers, please contact Kyle MacDonald.

Photos of the Week