This Week in BMS Robotics: 09/29/24

Greetings Beach Middle School Robotics families, this is your “Week in Robotics Update.”

TWIR emails can also be read at  The posts will be found under the FTC 6-8 menu

Message From the Coaches:

Our good friends Team Hungary placed 34th in almost 200 teams in the FIRST Global Competition! 

Show and Tell

Please join us at 7:30 on Wednesday for a show and tell us about the progress of the robots.  Teams need to practice speaking!  

Huge shout out to all the parent helpers this week.  I appreciate the help.Please continue to give us a hand! We have no one signed up this week.

Java Programmers - Please create your account.

Seeking Engineers and those in STEM based fields.  Part of FIRST’s mission is to connect our students to those who use STEM in their work lives.  If you are that person, or know someone that would like to talk to our students, please let me know.  We can use technology - so video conferencing is definitely possible. 

  • Coach Marka

Schedule: All events at Chelsea Robotics Center unless noted otherwise

  • 10/01 - Monday

    • 6-8, Team Meeting (All Students)

  • 10/03 - Wednesday

    • 6-8, Team Meeting (All Students)

    • 6:30, Fundraising Committee Meeting

  • 10/05 - Saturday

    • 10-2 pm, Team Meeting (All Students)

    • Noon - Student & Family potluck, come see the robot progress

Team Google Calendar Link - All robotics activities will be on our Google Calendar with updates posted as they come up.  


Everyone is doing well with reaching our milestones. The intake is taking shape and looking really promising. The 4 bar, although going together a bit slower is starting to take shape and should be ready to test soon. With the competitions drawing ever closer I hope to speed up our development of mechanisms and get the bot ready for testing. I am really proud of everyone and especially impressed with each sub team's note taking and documentation.


Congratulations girls!!  You have achieved a driving robot and you have the ability to score (limited) points by simply pushing the the scoring elements on the field. The programmers are working hard on teleop controls and learning to use odometery to control robot positioning on the field autonomously.  You've also refined your intake and sample delivery mechanisms.   This week we plan  to work on assembly and programming of these elements.

You worked really hard this past week, and we are proud of your focus and your progress.


We are hitting our milestones, our assemblies are coming together with the proxy parts and our programmers are making big progress.   This Saturday we look to assemble robot with the final polycarb parts and really dig into the gripper mechanism. 


Surge is coming together like a veteran team.  This last week we got the robot moving, the linear slides attached and now we are ready to look at the next mechanism.  Come ready to participate, share, program and build.

Parent Coordinator

If you are interested in helping our Parent Coordinator provide food for our Young Engineers, please contact Kyle MacDonald (Check email for contact info)