This Week in FRC Robotics: 9/29/24

Greetings Technical Difficulties, this is your “Week in Robotics Update.”

Message From the Coach:

Good to see everyone getting into projects last week, more to come this week.  Remember the preseason is a chance to try something new in a low stress environment, so if you see something that looks interesting, jump in!  See you all on Thursday.

  • Kirk

Online Storefront

 Schedule: All events at Chelsea Robotics Center unless noted otherwise

  • 10/01 - Tuesday

    • 3-4:30, Impact Meeting, CHS room 122

  • 10/03 - Thursday

    • 6-9, FRC Team Meeting

  • 10/06 - Sunday

    • Out of Darkness Walk in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

      • More information in the impact section

  • 10/9 - Wednesday

    • Fundraising meeting 6:30 Students invited to be involved.

  • 10/10 - Thursday

    • 6-9, FRC Team Meeting\

Team Google Calendar Link - All robotics activities will be on our Google Calendar with updates posted as they come up.  

Messages from Lead Mentors

Fundraising & Community Outreach

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, 10/9/24 at 6:30. We could also use a FRC Student or two to join. Remember that you can earn varsity letter points by doing this.

  • Eric


We're making great progress on the executive summaries, let's keep up the good work this week!

This year, we will be participating in the out of darkness walk in Ann Arbor this Sunday on 10/6 at 12:00pm in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. 1502 has a team in the walk you can join if you would like to take part. Please wear your team shirt and wear comfortable shoes!

Information about the walk can be found here: 

Sign up to join the team on walk day: