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Each day we get closer and closer to our Reveal Day, which is next Saturday the 22nd at 1:30, all are invited. On this day we will release photos and videos of the completed robot. We waited this long to start building the robot because we wanted to make sure we had everything right on paper and in CAD first.
Our calender
Ben worked on designing our pit. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the pit is where the team sets up at the competition to work on the robot, as well as tell our team’s story to those who come to see it. He is planning on using PVC and it will look like a frame. This year we are not allowed to have a roof because they were deemed to be a fire hazard.
Your perfect and unbiased blog writer Colin went on an expedition with Lane and Coach Kirk to the high school to get a mill from the old robotics room. We got this so that we could work more efficiently and make more parts with the limited time we have.
The small mill
The Mega Mill
Thanks for the school’s Facilities department for helping bring the Smithy into the shop
The Chairman’s team is now working on the outline for the chairman’s speech, which is basically the chairman’s essay but they read it out loud to judges at the competition. Some members of the chairman’s team got together to design banners for the new pit. One will include a list of sponsors, and the other will show the history of our team.
The Chairman’s team working on their speech
The field is still under construction (special thanks to our parent volunteers who are helping to build it)
To help with fundraising, we are selling Chelsea Robotics Bracelets for $3.00 at the Chelsea Robotics Center.
Blog Post and Photos by Colin Kovick